Université d'Artois, CNRS, CRIL
Faculté des Sciences Jean Perrin
rue Jean Souvraz, S.P. 18
F-62307 LENS Cedex
Phone : (33) 3 21 79 17 86
Office : P310
E-mail : marquis@cril.univ-artois.fr
Welcome on my Web page!
I am a distinguished Professor of Computer Science at Université d'Artois.
My research lab is Centre de Recherche en Informatique de Lens
(CRIL-CNRS, UMR 8188). I am the head of the CRIL lab since
September 2018. I am also the co-head of the international research project MAKC (``Modern Approaches to Knowledge Compilation’’) shared between the Automated Reasoning Group of UCLA and CRIL.
My research activities are mainly concerned with artificial intelligence (AI), and more specifically with knowledge representation and automated reasoning in a broad sense. I have been working on a number of topics within this research area and related areas. This includes the study of various forms of inference (especially abduction and induction), of several concepts of independence and notions of forgetting, of decision making (under its various types: multicriteria, uncertainty and group decision making), of preference representations, of action representations, etc.
For many years, I have been specifically interested in two topics, namely reasoning under inconsistency (from several perspectives, including belief revision and belief merging, paraconsistent logics, argumentation), and knowledge compilation (in a nutshell, how pre-processing can be used
to improve AI tasks from a computational point of view). Those days, my work is more focused on eXplainable AI.
I was lucky to benefit from a delegate status at the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) for five years, since October 2017 (I was a senior member of this Institute and I am now a honorary member). Since September 2020, I also hold (for five years) a research and teaching chair in artificial intelligence, called EXPEKCTATION, as part of the French national program for AI. I am also an ECCAI (EurAI) Fellow since 2009 and an AAIA Fellow since 2022.
Last update, September 2nd 2024.
Professor of Computer Science,
Université d’Artois